A year ago, I packed my whole life into a van and relocated to Norfolk. Unsure of what lay ahead, but with an inner knowing that it was where I was supposed to go next.
It’s been the hardest year of my life.
Learning how to be alone through a global pandemic, which has only enforced the sense of isolation, has at times threatened to take me under, but it has also given me an inner strength, which I always felt was there but never knew for sure!
Some of my initial ‘Norfolk Dream’ plan has come to fruition, some has had to be postponed and some I’ve decided I no longer want (like the swimming pool in the garden 🤣).
Thank you to everyone who believed in me, supported me and helped me on my journey, but most of all, I’m going to thank myself. For believing in ME, well done girlfriend, we’ve got this 💪🏻
